Frequently Asked Questions
We hope that you will find the answers to your questions among those frequently asked by our customers.
Please look through the F.A.Q.s listed on this page and if you don't find the answer to your question or if there is anything else that we can assist you with, please feel free to call us at 407.325.0230 or contact us.
We simply ask you a few questions and then give you a basic estimate.
At Breeze Movers & Freight, we never charge for destination charges, fuel surcharges, truck charges, travel time, to or from the job. We will also never charge you extra for any large items. All rates are by the hour and are fixed.
Breeze Movers & Freight never charges for destination charges. All fees are included in the Fixed Hourly Rate.
You can go to our estimate page; answer a few simple questions and we will have an estimate to you within 48 hours.
Travel time is always included in the Fixed Hourly Rate for the counties of Orange, Seminole, Osceola, and Lake.